Town of Medford
Taylor County, WI

On March 4, 1876, Taylor County was established and named after William R. Taylor, Governor of Wisconsin at the time.
This act creating the county provided that Taylor County was to constitute one town to be known as the Town of Medford. The first election in the Town of Medford was to be held at the store owned by Roberts & Whelen, mill owners, on the first Tuesday in April, 1875.
The Town of Medford's population as of January 1, 2022 is 2,519 of which approximately 1,943 of the population are of voting age. Source: WI Department of Administration.
The Town of Medford's assessment valuation is 200,217,700 as of 8/12/2022. The Town of Medford is located in north central Wisconsin in Taylor County.
The Town has approximately 72 miles of roads and maintains approximately 57.86 miles with Taylor County having approximately 14.15 miles in the town that they maintain.
The Town board comprises of a Chairman, 2 Supervisors, a Clerk & Treasurer.
The town has one full-time highway department employee and one part-time employee.
Taylor County Broadband Project
Taylor County is working to increase broadband services within the county. Please call the number below to contact Bug Tussel and provide your address. You will be find if broadband services is available at your address, or if your area is in upcoming project. Bug Tussel 833-288-7735
Spring 2025 Election Type A Notice​​​